Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Here are some pictures from a little ride in Oxford over the weekend. Who needs skate 2 when you can play Free rider 2!!!

Ben laying it past flat

Robbie doing the same.

Toe jam by Robbie.

Jospeh Killing everything and himself as usual.

Sleaze up to fuck all like usual.

Bishipdale bandet Cullem Tweaking it while rat boy was no where to be seen.

Dreadless Boy.

Yea more tables but there sweet. Robbie doing it.


Anonymous said...

Change the background back to black you faggot!

Anonymous said...

i like it better white, we all know white is the better colour

Anonymous said...

i dont matter if your black or white!
unless if you want to be friends with skinner.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

who the fuck is skinner???

Anonymous said...

im skinner

King Kapitel Rat said...

Te reo whakapapa..Ride kapitel yo you guys need to learn. Harae mai skinner loves Maoris ayo Te reo

Anonymous said...

Fuck outta here with that maori shit

Anonymous said...

Yer stupid maoris

TRUBMX said...

what are maori? What do they look like are there any real ones left.... ahhh no they're all part this & that, like you & me whities hahahha, oh not very PC! Robbie's toe jam is bad! taboo's all the way! dig trails... or are ya do'in sweet fuck all like those uther guys?