Thursday, June 3, 2010

Friday night jams.

Friday night jams at our house, come along bring beers and babes. Usually the night is kicked off with abit of Ashcan opening for the main attraction by Sleaze front man of a yet to be named band ( leave name ideas in the comments) and big teeth Dylan. There always sweet to watch jam and if your lucky they might play there original.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

B1 and B2

Two good cunts came from the other side of the world (Switzerland) to have a New Zealand adventure and Nz did not disappoint. They loved New Zealand from the moment double brown touched there lips and it brought them many great times.

They made the most of there time here, travelling both islands in a month. Experiencing things from electric fences, having there first beer bongs, to sleeping at Porirua skate park. The defiantly left there mark on us especially Ben's car ha ha.

One day we will make it over there side of the world to shred. Here are some pictures from there time in New Zealand.

I'm out

Been a while but I'm done with SFA so there won't be any more posts from me/at all.