Well we have been cranking the digging and riding at the trails and had a super sweet day on Saturday. Here's some pics of riding and the trails themselves...
Matt, whip in the quarter
Me, bit of a euro in quarter
Matt whippin' the quarter and a view over the berm section and the back line which you can just see in the background
Eddie, one foot invert
Me, tire grab
Sleaze steezin' through
Me, 360 x-up
Eddie, no foot can over hip
Eddie, 360 hip
Me, table
Sleaze with more steeeez
Pic of the quarter and step up that leads to a rythem section that takes you back to the top
A view of some of the jumps
fuck yea boys trails is shouting
fuck yeh sleaze mean styley
me wantey
fuck yer me place to ride
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