right here's the flyer diggers & trail heads out there, book those tickets & sort the time of work! It's gonna be a rad 4 days diggin & roast'in! A couple a things need to made dam clear & to the point if you don't mind...
1st TRAILS ETIQUETTE APPLIES (most of ya understand how it is but we have to remind the peeps who never hang out or help at our trails how it is the basics/common sense ie please show respect at & to the trails, give way to riders already on the lines or you could painfully die or kill someone, only bring ya good vibes, no god dam riff raff are welcome & no bullshit/drama queens should even bother turning up right! An do not litter, bin that shit! If ya don't know what TRAILS ETIQUETTE is then read up & do some homework!!) ....we all wanna have a goodtime & enjoy the trails.... an try to leave in one piece!
2nd, comp judging format to be announced...to age groups under 15yrs & over 15yrs.
3rd, limited camping MEANS limited camping, so come earn your spot and help out with the jam ie get'in ya hands dirty shovel'in some on the 25-26th Feb
4th, Paparazzi need to contact henrydev@gmail.com ....NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!.ie no camera's/video camera's unless you have permission! RESPECT our trails!
5th, further announcements will be made as they happen! Stay tuned to trubmx - trail riders united bmx! Dig & roast it up!
I have rode these trails and they are insane/I would consider putting brakes on for them this time haha. They are super legit and definatly worth the trip there.
yup listen to JJ, you will mos def need brakes. IE no brakes = no roast! There are alot of trees that will kill you if ya hit'em haha! There will be a waiver form for all to sign also, your responsible for your own safty & everyone else roast'in it up! No sign it = ya kno be roast'in it up d hills! See ya there Yeeeeeeeeeeeew! Dig trails!
oh yeah an maybe a veterans class for the over 35yr olds like me, Nath, Clinton & who ever else turns up that is a middle aged old skool fossil riding a dam little kids bike still! hahahha!
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