Righto so the Blenheim trail jam is once again over and done with, I think that was the 4th one? It was a wicked as turnout with 40+ riders attending from around the South island and Brodie Knox from Brisbane. It was a awesome day, heaps of sweet riding and beer drinking, definately some bangers thrown down, brodies lofty as Backies, and tyler the crazy little cunt's triple whips, yes, triple, along with tuck to late whips, something in the mot water I think. Managed to catch up with a bunch of dudes that I haven't seen in ages from Nelson and mot ways which was also cool. I should probably mention that Eamon learnt flairs in the dirt quarter at the trails, then shredded a bunch at kaikoura park, kid is crazy! Anyway, here's a video somebody chucked together of the day, I'm not sure who, and a picture of Eamon shredding a flair at height in Kaikoura.
Right, the Blenhiem trail jam/piss up is happening on the 24th of April in springcreek. How the trails condition will be, I am unsure but they have always been super fun trails to shred on and the after partys super sick. So anyone that somehow doesn't know, roll up to them, I know I'm bringing a van load at least from chch and some mot/nelson boys will come over to.
This video is fuckin' sick, this dude keeps bmx real! Fast riding and hopping shit and gnarley ass wallrides, and I bet he's a good cunt on the piss to, watch this shit.
I had to watch this a few times, and I still don't quite get it but my god is it randomly funny! Just watch it!
Maybe my priorities are backwards since this is second but this is also cool, old but cool, front flip double barspin at the end among other sweet stunts inbetween
While I have time, I'll post this up before I head back to chch soon. Joey was telling me about this trail blog from Ireland, Juice Boss. It looks like they are in trouble of being plowed which sucks! Anyway I had a bit of a read before and it's quite a comical blog and they come across as a bunch of rad cats, so you can go HERE to see the Juice Boss blog, and added to the blogroll on the right, where right is actually now on the left with the new layout :p
I'm in Blenheim at the moment, my home town, visiting for a couple of days, and fuck, can't wait to get back to chch to be fair, this place is dead, the skatepark sucks and unfortunately the trails have never been worse due to the dry weather, whoever is going to be fixin em for the jam in 24 days better take the rest of the month off work coz that shit needs tending to! Good to catch up with couple of the boys here and family though, Puha is still rippin and will soon to be the only rider left in Blenheim other than 2 groms, downhill much?! I do hear that the mot bmx scene is still ripping, something in the water over those ways that seems to produce some of the finest, if any of you mot boys are reading this, hit me with some pics or vids I can put up!
Also, this is the kink team at Jelly park in chch on the Friday morning before they left at like 9am getting repped up by what now haha. "dangerboy", a maybe 30 odd male was learning the ways of bmx, doyle taking charge of the interview and the rest of the boys jumping the hip in the background, rad!
Here's another video Ant scarer showed me just before, definately resembles his style of riding, just going full tilt at whatever and sending that shit no matter what, super awesome, check it..
And I spotted this, now I think freecoasters are extremely gay, and I have always stuck to my guns on this, I fuckin' hate them to be honest and now KHE have come up with this..
Adjust the slack of your free coaster on your bars...I can't deal with it.
And as you probably noticed more than anything is I changed all the layout and biffed up a new header design, change up sfa a bit haha. Gives more space for the posts section so video's and larger pictures won't get cut off now, sweet!